Monday, June 29, 2015

A Few Highlights from our Weekend

Lots of baby talk and preparing for baby in our home lately. That includes wrapping up a few house projects that we want to get done before his arrival and trying to explain to Stella that "Ree" is going to be here soon. (I think we can officially check off the nursery. Besides a few last touches that we are working on, the room is pretty much a wrap.)

After telling me numerous times that she is a good girl, she points to my belly and says Ree, good boy... so stinkin' cute. Still unsure of how deep her understanding is that there will actually be another human added to our tribe, but she refers to him a good amount of the time. <3

Knowing that soon my time is going to be limited spent differently between toddler play, feedings, and tending to a newborn I have been using every ounce of energy this Momma has to make our days feel full. Whether we are stuck inside because of shitty weather, outside on the back deck or out running errands- time is so so special. I have a hard time saying no these days.  More bubbles even after I have blown infinity and am short of breath?...sure! One more sand castle so I can knock it right down and ask for just one more?...sure! One more treat Mom?....of course, you are asking a preggo Momma!  I have been climbing my big ass belly in her crib more during her wake ups and just laying with her chatting, playing in the bath tub with her when the pool is off limits because of weather, building endless sand castles while leaning over the sand table for what feels like eternities, and playing 'ready, set, go!" in the yard like this belly doesn't exist!

A few highlights from our weekend...

Wrestling in bed with Daddy...2 head bumps and a fat lip later...she was ready for another round. I am not sure where this girl learned her wrestling moves, but they were legit! crack out and all!

This might have just been my favorite moment of the weekend.... 1 container of birthday cake ice cream, two spoons, the best sharer there ever was ;), and a not so clean kitchen floor... 

And I have to include this clip...Rick and I are so proud of Stella. At 21 months she is counting from 1-12. We are still working on the number 3, well that 'th' sound more specifically but she always seems to amaze us! We hear her counting to herself all the time! 

Stella, there will always be room in my arms for you.... love you baby girl to the moon and back. <3

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