Friday, June 5, 2015

Stella and I Are...

Happy Friday! How about a little Stella and I are... okay here it goes!

making//this weeks dinner menu was/is steak and mushroom stuffed peppers with potatoes, this Hawaiian Shrimp with coconut pineapple brown rice and grilled pineapple(it was soooo yummy), sundried tomato penne with chicken and baked spaghetti. 
drinking// Lots of ice water....enjoying the crushed ice for a change at times. Sounds weird, but I love the ice so much more that comes out of our new fridge. ;) Stella is either water or milk- she is truly not juice fan. 
reading// any book that Stella picks out off the book shelf. \
wanting// to buy all different flavors of greek yogurt and make these. Definitely on the to do list today, they remind me of dippin' dots!
watching// the last season of Sons of Anarchy and Stella's new jam is Pooh <--i have Rick to thank for this one... ;) 
listening// Stella singing Rain Rain go Away, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Itsy Bitsy Spider. 
eating// these raspberry thumb print cookies. I have been sending them to work with Rick to get them out of the house! Too tempting and not healthy AT ALL! Also, enjoying Sunkist Navel Oranges and red, white and blue rocket pops! 
smelling// bought the new coconut, cherry and almond layered scent Airwicks...unfortunately not smelling them as much as I was hoping too. Bummer.
enjoying// Stella and I's lunch dates. More about our day yesterday below...
loving// the way that the nursery is coming together, can't wait to share.
hoping//  to find a few more treasures for the nursery walls before Rick and I start hanging everything. 
needing// some extra energy these days to keep up with little miss. 
wearing// Comfort all the way. These past few days Stella is back in pants and a light jacket...what the hell?! I am loving Stella in camo- her new Spring/Fall jacket is so damn cute!
bookmarking// lots of grilling and oatmeal recipes. I have had oatmeal for breakfast every single morning (except for the weekends when Rick is home) for the past few weeks. Always looking for new ways to flavor it...

and looking forward to// our doctor appointment next week. We have a growth scan to see just how big our little babe is :)

I am really hoping to make these next 8 weeks special for Stella before Ricky makes his debut. Yesterday we had an a.m appointment to have the oil changed in my truck. Like any mom, I packed a bag of tricks to help the time go by in the waiting room since we were going to be waiting and I wasn't sure how long it was going to be. Stella was such a good girl the entire time. The waiting room was pretty empty which was a good thing in itself, but Stella played with her stamps, counted the chairs over and over again, got her groove on, and one of the workers gave her a little teddy bear which she loved immediately. She sang Rain Rain Go Away to her bear out loud for all to hear... she definitely supplied the workers with a few giggles to get them through the day ;) 

When we were done it was almost lunch time so a lunch date it was! We took a nice walk up the tow path in town singing and marching and hit up a cafe for lunch just her and I :) 

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