Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Story Time and Singing

Stella loves loves loves to pick out a book, sit down with it and read it out loud in her own language. Sometimes I will peek around the corner and watch quietly, other times she will ask me to sit next to her as she reads to me. She will sit down, pat the floor next to her, and say "si" for sit. I really love these moments. She is growing so quickly; at times I am afraid to blink because I feel that I am going to miss something.

Her three favorite songs to sing (as I said in my last post) are Rain Rain Go Away, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinke Twinkle Little Star. Here is a short video clip of a little story time, along with some singing :)

I was just telling Rick yesterday that when we are driving, the radio is kind of non existent these days. Stella and I are the radio... oh, wouldn't you just love to ride along with us?! haha We no doubt belt out some tunes! 

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