Wednesday, June 10, 2015

She Cracks Me Up

My little miss always knows how to help...whether is it unpacking groceries after a big food shop or giving me a good crack up when one is needed the most. I can always count on her for a good laugh. Food shopping isn't as easy these days due to a lack of breath, energy and I swear I always go on the hottest of days. what the hell is wrong with me?! haha Stella loves to rip through the bags after I bring them in and set them on the floor. She would store every single item in the refrigerator if she could and she would open every single conatiner, bag or box and try the contents in it if i'd let her. 

Aside from our grocery shopping trips, we have still been spending most time outside. If this picture doesn't scream Summer...not sure what does.

blue stained hands, red lips, stained shirts.... 'Summa time!'

Changing subjects completely....
I always wondered if Stella would have a blankie or as some call it a woobie or lovey. Well, hot damn this girl has more then a blankie, she has an entire tribe that we call her group of friends. This group of friends go ev.ery.where! When we leave the house because Stella and I's arms AND the diaper bag cannot possibly hold all of them, I ask her to pick one sometimes two to bring along where ever we are going- sometimes this is quite the battle! The group started with just her two blankies that Rick and I used to swaddle her in when she was born and has always slept with. It then grew by Minnie, and Kitty. Two blankies and two animals- okay I can handle that. Then it grew by 'baba' which she calls her baby, and 'blue' which she calls her blue Minnie. And last but not least the newest to the group is Goof. You should see Rick and I carrying all of this crap and Stella up to her room for nap time or bedtime. It's comical. Since Rick has been carrying her upstairs at night, I usually follow closely behind to pick up any casualties; because even in the dark this gal will know if one is missing. 

They join mealtimes too...

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