Thursday, June 11, 2015

An Almost 8 Months Preggo Update

Well we are with no doubt in the home stretch here. At just a few days shy of being 8 months along, I am still feeling well. Obviously more tired because I am in toddler playland all day; but I am loving that! My girl keeps me going, that is for damn sure. When I take a short break from playtime and plant my ass for a few minutes, she is grasping my hand for dear life, pulling me up saying "play!" no rest for Momma ;)

We had our 32 week growth scan done and our little guy is looking more perfect than ever. That word healthy just makes my heart sing. Even though I was shocked to hear that he is frank breech at the moment, everything is looking good. His position would explain the lop sided belly and all the stretching and jabs to the right side ;) Since we will be having a repeat c section, him being breech is not a concern. i guess where ever he feels cozy is a-okay!

As far as sleep...Ha! What is that? I must say the past two nights have been the best compared to how my sleep or non existent sleep has been lately. I haven't had any cravings per say....just enjoying a lot of the same foods as usual. Outshine simply yogurt strawberry bars, popcorn, oatmeal with almond coconut milk and raspberries or blueberries for breakfast, my morning cup of coffee with snickerdoodle creamer, sunkist navel oranges, and those damn good & plenty's get me every time! Oh yeah...and cherries!!

Other 8 month updates... I am up 17 lbs, baby's heartbeat is 132, glucose diagnostic test-passed :), still walking 30 minutes (5 days/week) on treadmill, and our c section is scheduled.

Rick and I continue to talk to Stella about Ricky. She knows that there is a baby growing in my belly and because she can't quite say Ricky, she calls him Ree. When she sees something that is for Ricky's room or his nursery in general she points and says "Ree". I know she is just going to love him :)

Still looking for a few more items to complete the nursery ;)

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