Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Father's Day Rick

I know many pregnant women think about how their husband will be as a father during their pregnancy, or even before they marry him for that matter because I know I did. I know that I have always wanted children and to have a family even long before I met Rick. I know I have talked about Rick and how much I appreciate him before. I mention how much he does for our family in bits and pieces throughout my blog posts. I don't get too braggy about my husband and all that he does for our family, but I do try to make an effort to thank him and tell him how grateful I am for how much he does for our family. Because of him and his hard work I am able to raise our family which is above any dream I ever had. I honestly thought this would never be possible, but because of him it is.

So since this weekend is Father's Day, I am going to brag a bit...

The first few days of parenthood are pretty much a blur. However, there are certain memories and moments that I remember so vividly. I remember the look on his face when I was wheeled down to the OR for our surgery, and how he was my biggest cheerleader when we found out we were going to have to deliver through a c section, how he held my hand through the entire surgery, how he kept reminding me that we had to do what was best for Stella, how he helped me shower and do something as simple as use the bathroom in the hospital, and how he immediately fell in love with Stella and would clearly do anything for her. He learned to swaddle a baby in the hospital like no other. It took him no time at all to fall into fatherhood and fall in love with his daughter.

I remember how Stella would fall asleep on his chest and how much he loved it. I remember how proud he was as a father when Stella would hit a new milestone--- solid foods, rolling over, crawling, walking, especially when she said "Da" for the first time.

It is no lie that everyday life is so busy and tiring for that matter. Work, raising a toddler... but nothing about Rick's loving and caring nature has changed. Rick works all day and then looks forward to coming home to toddler play land. Stella asks about him all day long, and watches out the window for him to get home. She runs to the back door and greets him with the biggest smile. Most days, I can't tell whose smile is bigger. They are both so happy to see each other. He is always doing funny and silly things to make her laugh. Their bond is something so so special and just continues to blossom and grow each day.

I could really go on and on about all of the things that he does for us and ways that he helps us. Things as small as washing my filthy truck or filling the gas tank never go unnoticed. He cares so much about our family and that is a quality of his I admire very much. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to celebrate him on Father's Day and show him just how much we appreciate all of the things that he does to make our family life special--- big or small.

so here is to you Rick... Happy Father's Day! xoxo

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