Monday, April 27, 2015

25 Weeks.

We are now 25 weeks along. Baby boy is quite the active peanut these days. His most active times are around 6 am in the morning (right about the time when Rick is leaving for work), after breakfast and evening. But there are days I feel him moving all day- is that a sign that this baby is not going sleep?! :) Hot damn does Stella keep me moving....I am whooped by the end of the day! Being preggo and running after a toddler is no joke...haha. Our doctor appointment last week confirmed that everything continues to look and sound good and baby boy is healthy with a strong heartbeat. a million smiles over here. I also was right on target with my weight gain guess....I am up 14 lbs. If I remember correctly I am about where I was when I was this far along with Stella. Next appointment at 29 weeks will be the glucose test. guess i should lay off the gummies...:) 

We finally began working on the nursery. Baby steps. I have my ideas and theme I guess you could call it all ready. Just like Stella's I didn't want anything babyish; I wanted something he could keep for a while and grow with. This little book was the beginnings of my inspiration for Ricky's room... a true favorite.

What is even more special is Ricky the III will be using Rick's baby furniture from when he was just a tot. I refinished the dresser and it is going to be perfect in the new nursery. It is truly a one of a kind now. :)

Just a few other updates:
Wedding rings are still on, no swelling, belly button is looking damn shallow these days, cravings are still the same- mostly sweet stuff. Been loving Outshine yogurt bars-mostly the strawberry ones, cool whip with frozen blueberries, grapefruit- I could eat an endless amount of thee suckers, fruit snacks, and lastly good and plenty's and jujubes.

Overall I am feeling good... and just truly excited to meet this little man in a few months. 

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