Friday, April 10, 2015

A Few Friday Favorites

Monday was the biggest tease, EVER. Good thing we spent most of the day outside since we have been housebound this week because of the shit weather. On Monday, Stella and I played in the driveway with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, ate snack, went on the swing and colored the rocks. She has such an obsession with the rocks. To my surprise she wore her sunnies that the Easter bunny got her the entire time. I saw her squinting in the sun when we first got out there and I thought I would just try putting them on her to maybe see if she would wear them...and whaddya know?? She wore them the whole time we were outside and loved them! She calls them her "sss" for sunnies.

Some of Stella's other favorites lately are painting her own nails and back to those sunnies, strolling around in her sunnies and necklace that she randomly found one afternoon digging in an old purse shoved in the back of my closet...haha Some days she wears her tutus all day long and some days we go tutu free! :) If there is one in her bedroom and she spots it first thing in the morning than it is no doubt going to be a tutu kind of day. 

Being that we have been mostly inside this week, I can't help but mention that it has been a pretty productive week around the house. Let's see I shampooed all of my carpets, scrubbed all of my hardwood floors and scrubbed the shit out of Rick and I's bathroom! And the best of all?? Our new refrigerator was delivered yesterday! Hallelujah! It was truly one of those things that you don't realize how much you will miss until it's gone. Soon after it was cold enough, Stella and I went to the food store and did a HUGE grocery shop to replace all of our food that we lost. That was tiring! But it feels sooooo good to be back in normal mode with food in the house and a working fridge. 
And for a few of my favorites this week? I am digging the french door style on the new fridge. We have so much more room than when we had the side by side doors. I complained redundantly about the side freezer. bigger freezer means more ice cream!  I am also addicted to grapefruit lately!! Cut that baby in half, place it in a bowl with with a teeny tiny sprinkle of sugar, grab a spoon and dig in! 

Stella's cheesy smile just keeps getting better, I swear. It seriously gets me every time...totally a favorite of mine. and always will be. 

And this little sweatshirt one piece that I got for our little man....totally smitten. It does feel so crazy browsing and shopping the baby boy section since girls is all I have's a whole new world :)

Off the playroom! There is a little one standing next to me waiting for me to play.... TGIF!

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