Monday, April 20, 2015

A Perfect Weekend...

It was what I would call a perfect weekend. The weather was killer, the productivity level outside around the house was more than great, the family time was even better...

This weekend was obviously spent outside. Rick started and finished all of the demo work on the front porch. He tore down the old porch and he will begin building the new one on these upcoming weekends. Nice thing is there is no rush; he can work on the porch little by little and make finishing decisions as we come to them. Rick and Stella brought out the tractor for the first time this year. Rick and his pit crew (Stella) worked on it in the garage and primed it for it's first cut of the season. Stella still loves the tractor and it is soooo nice to have a green yard again. Too bad Stella isn't quite old enough to pick weeds yet..haha but she did help Rick pick up the leaves and put them into bags after he raked them into piles. Stella is obsessed with rocks lately. She loves to pick out certain ones, put them in cups, make piles out of them, throw them, etc.. Well all three of us were in the yard cleaning up the leaves at one point. I was holding open the bag, Rick was raking and putting them into the bag and Stella was either taking small handfuls and also putting them into the bag or taking small handfuls and sprinkling them other places than in the bag. Then this happened:

I see Stella pick up this what looks like to be a brown rock out of the leave pile.
Me to Rick: I swear this girl can find a rock anywhere.
Rick: takes a closer look. That's not a rock that is Ellie's shit. and bats it out of her hands.
Me: Oh My! It looked just like a rock! Good thing it didn't make it's way up to her nose since she smells EVERYTHING these days!

Good ole' toddler tales...

A few other things that we did this weekend...

I planted my herbs. Basil, both green and purple basil, flat leaf parsley, and rosemary. My three favorites!
We went to Jimmy's for dinner and soft serve by the creek.
Stella played endlessly in her water table.
Ate lots of popsicles!
Went to Lowes and bought paint for the nursery.
Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, swing, and repeat!
Grilled arugula pizza's for lunch.
Rick gave Stella the longest bubble bath on Sunday night to end the perfect weekend. She is was in her glory as she took handfuls of bubbles and smothered it all over Rick's face. 

a few captured weekend moments...

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