Friday, April 3, 2015

Stella and I Are...

apparently Momma put her headwrap on the wrong way so she fixed it all by herself. 

making//rosemary dijon chicken with sweet potato mash, banana chocolate chip cookies, baked banana bread oatmeal, strawberry filled crepes for breakfast this morning. :)
drinking// bottled water :( miss our ice machine since our fridge took a shit...Stella and I used that thing way more than usual. Love me a tall glass of ice water; mostly ice. 
reading//need a good book. Lately I have found myself reading mostly recipes. Getting ready to fire up the grill on a more regular basis. Bring on the grilling recipes!
wanting//  my paper mache project to dry and harden!! (it's a secret at the moment....)
watching// nothing exciting at the moment....lots of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
listening// to the kids running and playing at the park yesterday. Stella just stood back and took it all in, and took an umpteenth amount of rides down the slide. 
eating// pretty limited with nuttin' but a mini fridge stocked with Horizon Organic Milk! haha! Atleast my reeses pb eggs don't need to be refrigerated. 
smelling// the vinegar from our Easter egg dying fun last night. Brings back so many childhood memories of when I dyed eggs. I remember sitting at the kitchen table with an assortment of mismatched mugs full of dye and sometimes having to guess what color dye was in the mug because the mug wasn't translucent. 
enjoying//the fun Easter stuff that we have been doing, and buying things for Stella's Easter basket. (more too come on her basket!) 
loving// the holiday fun these days because Stella's age is just perfect.
hoping// the Easter bunny leaves some fun goodies for us Sunday Morning ;)
needing//my freezer so Stella and I can indulge in our evening scoop of ice cream...going through with drawl over here. 
wearing//  Stella has been rocking her Easter attire lately- bunny jammies, 'have a hoppy day' tshirt and her HOP sweatshirt which I absolutely love. 
bookmarking// these homemade cereal bars because Stella loves loves loves Nutrigrain bars and I am sure these would be much healthier and these frozen yogurt pomegranate bites are a must try!

and looking forward to//  putting Stella in her Easter dress and stuffing my face with two Easter dinners!! 

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