Friday, May 1, 2015

Stella and I Are...

making//It's all about the guac these days. Stella-just like me is a lover of guac!, birthday cake for Rick,  spinach and feta quiche, and quesadillas.
drinking// water, water and more water. I did put a request in for these strawberry margarita mocktails for Cinco de Mayo!
reading// nothing much...a few other blogs that I have been following, articles about potty training and transitioning to a toddler bed. 
wanting// to try the new Smore's Starbucks Frappe!
watching// Stella having a blast playing in the dirt. 
listening//to loud music in the living room. Nuttin' like a good living room dance party! 
eating// too many grapefruits, Outshine Strawberry yogurt bars, Good and Plentys, frozen blueberries, homemade chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandys, and lots of yogurt parfaits for breakfast.
smelling// clean laundry. The amount of clothes we go through each day that Stella plays in her water table is crazy! Dry clothes, wet clothes, dry clothes, wet clothes....
wishing// for better sleep these days.
enjoying// Stella and I's early mornings spent outside in our pj's, watching our little man kick, twist and turn on the outside of my belly, and asking Stella where Mommy's baby is and watching her point to my belly. 
loving// the warmer temps, odds and ends that I have been finding for the nursery. I have fallen in love with this sign. I think it is going to be a must buy for the nursery and will make the perfect addition to one of his walls. 
hoping//  the new carpet for the nursery comes in soon :)
needing// to find Stella a cozy pair of sandals to wear outside that are easy to slip on and off. Every pair that I have tried on her, she did not like at all!! All she wants to wear are her moccs or her Nikes. Also to sit down and do Stella's 19 month update and pictures.
wearing// flip flops for me every damn day from here on out! 
bookmarking//these and this. Both will be tried in the very near future!

and looking forward to// Rick and I's night out tomorrow for his birthday dinner :) 

it's all about the guac...

early morning water table action.

Rick's birthday cake... :)

Cheers with Daddy! Sharing a chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandy. 

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