Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stella's Story Telling

Stella loves to tell stories. Well, that is what we are choosing to call it. Rick and I just really really wish we knew just what she was saying. See, she tells them in her own language and a lot of the time, she looks right at us, talks to us using her hands and all. Clearly she knows what she is saying; just wish we did.  At times it sounds as if she is scolding us, she gets all up close in our faces. Listening to Stella tell her stories has Rick and I literally rolling in laughter. Her stories must be that funny because she even laughs at them too. She tells stories ALL the time lately. Just this morning as I first greeted her, before I even said good morning...boy did she let out a looong story. Some are so long she actually uses all of her breath and needs to take another deep one to continue her story. I hope this is just the beginning of her imagination running wild....

here are two snippets of her telling stories

Happy Hump Day :)

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