Saturday, April 18, 2015

6 months along...

i look back at my pregnancy chalkboards with Mabel and they still make me sad so i have not had the urge to start them again. however, i also know that i will be sad when this little babe arrives and the lack of my documentation and pictures from his pregnancy hits me. so here i am writing an update at six months along. i am not quite sure of my weight gain but if i had to guess it would be somewhere around 14 lbs? i will find out for sure at my upcoming doctor appointment this week. i feel that my belly has grown much quicker this time around. as far as cravings go, they have been sweets, sweets and more sweets. i have been trying my hardest to make those sweet indulgences healthy so my favorite choices lately have been the outshine strawberry yogurt pops, grapefruit, a scoop of cool whip with frozen blueberries and im in love with the teavana peach green tea lemonade at Starbucks. 
i am beyond excited for our our little guy to meet his big sister. i know deep down that they are going to love each other and be best buds. i am feeling truly blessed for this healthy baby and am already so in love with him. i can't wait to meet him and cuddle his sweet little body. 
not only can i feel his (i would say sweet little but they are not at times) strong kicks these days but rick and i love to watch my belly move with each of his movements. still so surreal. 

to my son:
i love you already and i haven't officially met you. i am thankful for you each and every day and can't wait to shower you with cuddles and kisses. 

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