Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Signs of Spring and the Word No

Yesterday Stella and I spent most, if not all of the day outside playing. We had a picnic style lunch, ran around the yard, went on the swing, did sidewalk chalk etc.. I know...what toddler would want to come inside to take a nap while there is more playing to be done?! Stella kinda  surprised the hell out of me yesterday- our conversation went as follows:
Me: Stella, do you want to go inside and take a nap?
Stella: No...
Me: I think we should go take a nap. We will bring blankies, kitty and Minnie. We can come out and play more when you wake up.
Stella: No...

What?!?! Did she just tell me no in the correct context? I felt blind sided. Not only did she look right at me and say the word 'no'; she used it correctly. Momma did win the nap battle...she was out in 15 min. :)

Has Spring sprung? 
Here are a few signs of Spring...

walks around town and by the river with our sunnies

town was mobbed!!

warm sunshine

only a windbreaker

picnic style lunches

short sleeved shirts

finding shade for the blanket


swinging away

spring flutter shirts

spring color tops

This morning's conversation went as follows:

Me: Stella let's change your diaper.

Stella: Noooo...

This is going to take some getting used to... ;)

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