Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Our Easter Weekend

Easter was so much fun this year. It was filled with family, food, festivities and candy! I felt like a child again :)  We kicked off our Easter weekend with dying eggs. Stella had no problem slam dunking the eggs into the dye cups. Our fingers were literally green when we were done because of her love for the green cup. Every one of our eggs would have been green if it were up to her ;)

Saturday we went to Nana and Poppop's for an Easter dinner and Uncle Wyatt's 16th birthday celebration all in one :) It was a great day spent with lots of family and close friends. Besides what felt like an ever lasting temper tantrum it was a great day. We indulged in a buffet style dinner and lots of goodies afterwards. Stella absolutely loved the kids egg hunt. She got the hang of it very quickly. She actually filled her basket in no time at all, in between getting blown over by the wind. The wind was in sane!! Every time she saw another egg she yelled with excitement, pointed at it and ran to it. Instead of putting the whole egg into her basket, she had to empty each one out into her basket; then put the egg in. :)

Rick and I were so excited for Stella to wake up Sunday morning to see what the Easter bunny had left. it was kind of like Christmas morning all over again. We set her basket on the coffee table so she could reach it easily and hid the eggs so she could easily find them. We were shocked that all she wanted to do was sit on the couch and have her morning milk before ripping through her goodies. just like Momma with her coffee...haha. So the goodies sat there as she drank her milk. When she was ready to began picking through her baskets....let's see; she wore her new tutu, new sunnies and had vanilla cupcake goldfish grahams for breakfast- sounds like a perfect morning. 

Later that day after Stella's afternoon nap we headed to Gammy and Pop's house for Easter dinner. We spent the late afternoon with Gammy, Pop, Aunt Nikki and the ponies :) The Easter bunny must have known you were going to Gammy's because he left you goodies there too! After opening your goodies from the bunny and eating dinner we went up to the barn to see Chaps and Elvis. No tears this time, Stella actually had no problem petting their heads :)

enough pictures for you?! :)

And for me? I am so truly blessed with family and friends. I am thankful everyday for my husband, my daughter, this healthy baby boy growing inside and the beautiful little family that we have created. 

Happy Easter 2015!

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