Thursday, April 2, 2015

Living out of a Mini Fridge..That's How we Roll

Well our fridge took a shit. Actually it melted! I can't say this is our first time loosing all our food since it has happened once before. At the moment we are living out of a mini fridge which is mostly filled with Stella's milk and no freezer. I don't mind ordering out once in a while, truth be told it helps me keep my sanity some days, but I begin to hit the panic button when Stella eats take out too much. I am not always a stickler and do enjoy some random nights off here and there from dinner duty but I care more about what Stella is eating for dinner. shit if it was just Rick and I, I would have all of our take out menu's lined up on the counter ready to pick one each night until our fridge came. Our new fridge is not be delivered until next Thursday! wtf!? Shit happens I guess...

In the pile of crap that I cleaned out from the fridge and freezer Stella stumbled across this ice pack and now walks around the house with a boo boo face on pretending she has a boo boo on her hand as she holds the ice pack on it. Pretty comical...

totally random but my little baker....

It is a breath of fresh air not having to stuff her in a warm winter coat and hat before heading out of the house. Rick and I took Stella for a new pair of sneakers over the weekend and she is in love with them. When we tried them on her in the store to see if they fit, she didn't want to take them off and ended up wearing them home :) When she has them on she points to them and says "shh" for shoes! don't mess with a girl's love for her shoes! 
On a spring note, I am sitting here typing this while waiting impatiently for her to wake up so we can go to the park! It is absolutely beautiful out and I can't wait to get back outside ;)

Bumpity Bumpity bump bump bump....

I find myself carrying this time very similar to Stella and Mabel's pregnancies, very low. At just about 22 weeks, Rick has already felt our little man's kicks. Such an incredible feeling. He is most active at night maybe because of my evening sweet tooth cravings but I often pull up my shirt and watch the little kicks from the outside of the belly. Pure heaven. I am beyond thankful for this healthy baby that is growing inside....

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