Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Crossing off the Fall Bucket List

It is officially October and the Halloween decor is coming out. I figured once Stella's birthday decor was down and put away, it would be a perfect time for holiday decorations. We have already began working on the Fall bucket list since it is a long one. This season deserves a long one :) We started off by taking a family trip to the apple orchard for some apple picking. We picked all Macoun apples. They are crisp, sweet and tart all at the same time. Makes for perfect baking and snacking right out of the fridge.

It didn't take us long to get the apple baking on the go....first came apple pie, then came apple crisp, and my favorite? Baked apple oatmeal....perfect breakfast for a fall morning. Stella and I have been on the baked oatmeal train lately. We were off the morning walks for a bit of time, but are back outside walking in the mornings after breakfast. thank goodness, that breath of fresh air does wonders some days. We can also cross off celebrating Stella's first birthday because we did just that. A whole post on her birthday is soon to come. rick and I are still trying to believe that a year has gone by since Stella fit in the palm of our hand. We can also cross off fall scented candles, apple pumpkin is burning away in the kitchen, football Sundays, and fall barretts are being worn all the time. On another fall note, Bath and Body works did it right this year. Stocked up on these...

Last but not can put any fall treat in front of me and I will choose the pumpkin chocolate chip cookie without any hesitation...Stella and I had a great time whipping these up...

Had to post this picture. Stella is all smiles  and dance moves when Momma and her jam out with the cool breeze blowing through our hair in the truck...this girl has got the moves, even in her car seat. 

Thankful for these two each and every day...

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