Monday, September 29, 2014

12 Month Update

Dear Stella,
        Let me just start by saying that this has been the best year of Daddy and I's life. You are such a special girl, and we will never have the words to tell you just how much you are loved. I write this update with tears of happiness. I look at you often and am still amazed that you are ours. You are so smart, so beautiful, so loving, and simply perfect in every way. I am incredibly thankful for you each and every single day. You will always hold a very special place in our hearts. I am officially the Momma of a toddler and I am loving every moment. 

Love you to the moon and back,

Weight: 19 1/2 pounds
Height: 28 inches tall

Appetite: Your appetite is very much the same as last month. We still eat all three at the kitchen table. We mostly have the same foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, unless Momma and Daddy are eating something spicy for dinner.  Lately your favorite foods have been pickles, broccoli, pomegranate, pasta and still avocado!  You enjoy a snack or two sometimes during the day such as fruit, yogurt, gold fishies or multi grain cheerios. Your milk intake is some where around 15-20 ounces a day of Horizon Organic 2% DHA Omega-3 milk.  Water is drank throughout the day and especially with meals. We continue our milk and sippy cup battle but have found one cup, one very special Minnie cup that you will drink milk out of.  

Clothing Size: You are in mostly 12-18 month clothing and still wearing size 4 diapers. Yay to fall clothing! Love the colors and layers! 

Milestones: You are one smart cookie! You pick up things very fast. Momma is having a hard time keeping up with you these days. You're crawling all over this house and taking a good amount of steps on your own when walking back and forth to Daddy and I. You are pulling yourself up on everything you can get your hands on. Your words are Momma, Dada, ice pop and up! You can do patty cake, 'so big', and can identify so many things! 

Thoughts:  Stella...I promise...if you call my name I will listen. If you reach for me I will hold you. If you need me I will be there. And when you are grown,  I will still. 

Our routine:  You are like clockwork. Our day still begins at 6:45 each morning. After you wake up I bring you down into our bed where we watch a cartoon and you enjoy your first morning milk bottle and sometimes a small cup of Cheerios and I enjoy my morning cup of coffee. Around 7:15 or so we make our way into the living room and play for a bit. We eat breakfast together around 8 o'clock. We have been on the baked oatmeal train these days! After our breakfast we brush our teeth together and head out for a nice morning walk.  After our walk you go down for your morning nap. You usually go down anywhere around 9:30 and sleep for an hour and a half. This is when we head out if we are going out for the day sometimes for lunch, or after lunch. We both eat lunch around noon. You take your second and last nap in the afternoon anywhere between 2 and 3 and sleep for another hour and a half.  We have dinner at 6 and bath time follows. After your bath we have some special playtime with Daddy and off to bed at 7:30. We relax in your glider and you drink your milk cap for the night and off to bed when you are done. Our routine is very consistent day to day. 

Your favorites: Lately your favorites have been cruising around in your walker, crawling, swinging in your swing, standing at the window sills and pointing, going for walks outside, dancing to music and you still love tubby time! 

Momma’s Favorites: My favorite thing to do lately has been spending all of my time with you and Daddy. 

I love you to the moon and back. xoxo

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