Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I Put a Spell on You

Stella has been living at the chalkboard easel lately. a girl after my own heart. Besides eating the chalk, she is quite the artist. 

We have been enjoying this Fall season so much. From the cooking, and baking to the brisk evening walks after dinner. I try to tell Stella that Fall is not the season to be a nudist. She is on strike this past week with wearing clothes. Coats, vests and hats? Forget it! The entire walk last night was a hat battle. Momma and Daddy vs. Stella.  I am sure you can guess who won?!

On the Halloween costume note, I got the biggest part of her costume done! Go me! Can't wait for the reveal. All I gotta say is thank goodness for naps. 

Some of our favorite fall recipes lately have been this baked apple oatmeal. Stella and I both love having this for breakfast. It is so warm and satisfying on a chilly morning. We did a pumpkin pie version as well, but the apple hit it out of the park (with a tablespoon of pumpkin butter..yum)!

and this homemade applesauce recipe. We have it as a snack, on the side of dinner, or as dessert served warm over vanilla ice cream.  I am sure there are so many more things you can make with it. I always make a big batch and store it in mason jars in the fridge. Way better than store bought!

We have also been enjoying more roasted veggies for dinner rather then grilled veggies and pumpkin butter on anything that you can spread something on ;) Fall flavors are just the best. 

and so are these smiles, especially in bones pj's. 

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