Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pumpkins, Leaves, and Bats...our weekend.

I never knew how much I loved your daddy, until I saw how much he loved you...

We had one day home with Daddy. The other Stella and I took a trip to the mall. Forgot how much I hate shopping in a mall...

Our weekend....
Saturday was a Momma and daughter day since big papa was working. We took a trip to the mall to exchange a teeny tiny pair of converse sneakers for a different size that she got for her birthday. Of course they didn't have her size-love her chubby feet- so we must wait for them to come in the mail.  Anyway, little miss had to shop in the gold and white combination.

wild at heart... ;)

We finally got to head to the pumpkin patch! It really was the perfect Fall day for picking out a pumpkin..or 5! Stella loved the pumpkins and wanted to touch each one that she laid eyes on. if only we could take them all home. Pumpkins, homemade powdered donuts, mums, cornstalks and a bail of hay...if that doesn't scream Fall! 

After we got home and unloaded the truck, we finally got the front porch decorated! I can check that off of the Fall bucket list. As we were decorating the front porch, Rick spotted something- something hanging upside down, sleeping and black....yep! A damn bat! Talk about appropriate timing... we are decorating for Fall and Halloween and there is a damn bat hanging upside down on the front porch! 

No Fall day is complete without a little frolicking in the leaves..or eating them. This girl makes my heart skip a beat. I just love all of her goofy faces...

Cheers to it officially being Fall! with a Stella Cidre in hand.

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