Monday, October 20, 2014

Our weekend and other stuff...

Another weekend came and went, another weekend closer to Halloween and I still have a lot of work to do on Stella's costume. This weekend really felt like Fall. Stella was bundled up in layers all weekend long. She is going through this for a lack of better word, phase where she hates putting any article of clothing on or off, including diapers. As soon as that diaper is off during a diaper change she is gone. As I am trying to be stern and tell her no, I try so hard to hold back my laughter at her little chubby butt crawling away as fast as she can. With that said, putting on coats and hats is a real pain in the ass these days. She better get used to the layers because it is only the beginning :)

At the end of last week, Stella and I added these fun cookies to our list of Halloween treats. She was much more interested in eating them than making and decorating them. All in all, she is a great baking partner.

Stella had a reaction to her chicken pox vaccine so it was kind of a low key week. You can't help but worry even if you are told that it is 'normal' from a doctor. She had slight fevers, her belly and back were covered in rash, no appetite at all, incredibly clingy and just cranky. Stella fought through it and I naturally worried as I comforted her and had an extra Stella Cidre to keep myself sane. Towards the end of the week, we had our soup for two lunch date as always, made messes and went on evening family walks after dinner. 

These Friday morning smiles just make me smile....

As far as the weekend went we had my sister's wedding ceremony on Saturday. It was a bit over two hours away so Rick and I just prayed that she would sleep on the way there and back. Let's just say we lucked out with this little lady because she did just that. I think this was the first time ever that Stella stayed up until 10:30, and all she wanted to do was walk laps around the reception! Our child was the only one up towards the end of the night, every other baby was asleep in their stroller. "I swear, my kid is in bed each night by 7:30!" 

She was still up with the roosters the next morning. Rick and I looked at each other when we heard her on the monitor and were pretty close to doing rock, paper, scissor as to who was going to go get out of bed and get her. Rick caved ;)

And for Sunday? Yep we are crazy. As tired as we were, we rolled out of bed and headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. 

I haven't been able to write about this yet, but will write Stella a letter one day telling her about our guardian angel...

On Sunday we went to the local nursery and purchased this Anne Magnolia tree in loving memory of our baby girl. This Magnolia tree symbolizes strength, beauty and love. We will watch this tree each day as it grows to be big and beautiful. Simply perfect. 

While bundled up we played with the leaves, on the swing and and watched some football with Mr. Sam Adams Octoberfest. 

And what's a weekend without a little matchy matchy??

Happy Monday. 

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