Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lately...snuggles, spiders, socks and shoes

Teething is back with a vengeance, poor thing.  Those back suckers are really giving her a run for her money. She has been resisting naps, and bedtime and waking up suddenly in the middle of the night just wailing. She seems extra tired lately (probably because of the lack of sleep), and at times in the evening will go from playing happily to just crying. The drool and fingers in the mouth- forget it. She has been waking up a bit earlier in the mornings these past few days..blame it on my laziness but I have been laying her in our bed with a bottle of milk (yes, my no bottles at 12 months did not happen) just to get a few extra minutes in bed and some bonus snuggles with my love. 

We put two books in her crib for her to read, flip through the pages really, when she gets upset, and to keep her busy for a few moments when she wakes up in the morning. To sum it up, they do their job! when in doubt, read a book :)

I need to get my ass in gear and start on her Halloween costume. We have definitely been in the Halloween spirit...with food of course. We had a little fun with her peanut butter and jelly sandy and cupcakes...

This little gal sure does know what she wants lately, and if it's not her out! Do you ever see a random sock or shoe laying somewhere odd and wonder how the hell it got there? on the side of the road, or on the floor at the store? I always did, and now I know how. This girl will not keep socks or shoes on her feet at any time! In the stores and on our walks I always find my child bare footed, even if it is 60 degrees, and hope to god that we still have two shoes. screw the socks, save the shoes! 

Our lunch dates are better then ever. Every lunch date lately has been a trip to Panera Bread for soup for two! She loves the chicken noodle soup (but loves whatever I order more of course) and I always look forward to their autumn squash soup.  Stella enjoys crumbling the cookie in as many pieces at possible more than eating it. Our table looks like a hot mess when we leave...oops. 

Looking forward to more fun with food this week. We have lots of Halloween treat ideas up our sleeves!

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