Friday, October 24, 2014

13 Month Update

Dear Stella,
    I am having so much fun learning, playing and spending each day with you. Each day presents something new. Your age right now is indeed a fun one and our interaction is priceless. I live for our lunch dates, our baking together, our projects and so much more. You have really grown into your own person and have quite the personality. You are playful, and cuddly when you want to be. You are incredibly smart and you pick things up quickly. Momma and Daddy have to start watching our potty mouths! Stella you still seem to amaze me each and every day. You are growing so fast,..if only time could slow down a bit. I would love for you to stay this size for a bit longer. You make Daddy and I laugh all the time and we are so thankful for that. You are truly my ray of sunshine. And you are 13 months old!!  I love you so much. 

Love you to the moon and back,

Let it be known, taking pictures of you is nearly don't sit still!

Here are a list of things about Little Miss Stella at 13 months...

-You are a great eater! Your favorites lately have been pomegranate, avocado, english muffins, baked oatmeal, wild caught salmon, Horizon organic mac n cheese (I always sneak peas in there), pickles, broccoli and spinach. You intake about 16 ounces of milk a day!

- Your words are Dada, Pop pop, Ice Pop, and A! is Ellie. "Momma" is few and far in between :)

- The list of things that you can identify is endless. Some are eyes, nose, belly, hair, piggies, bunny, duckie, kitty, Minnie and Mickey, milk, blankey, fishy...

- You are pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING, climbing the stairs, standing on your own, and taking on average 10 steps all by yourself. You get so proud of yourself when you do these things, especially walk and stand on your own.

- Sleep is good :) 10-11 hours straight through the night. Two naps (sometimes one) a day depending on what time you wake in the morning. You are without a doubt a belly sleep- but up in the air.

- Things that you love to do are color with crayons and chalk, destruct things and knock them over, go for walks, throw your balls from the ball pit, speed around in your walker, DANCE (you LOVE to dance), give kisses, swing on your swing, being baked, taking baths, jumping in your crib and being cuddled at night in your glider.

- You are wearing a few 6-12 month left overs, and mainly in 12-18 months. You are still wearing size 4 diapers and are in a size 2/3 shoe. love those tiny chubby feet.

- You now have 8!! teeth! Two molars finally broke gum! We brush those chompers twice a day- morning and night. Thank goodness for those SoBe ice pops- you love those.

- You are forever on the move and don't stop...I am not sure where all of that energy comes from ;) some sort of energizer bunny.

- Excited doesn't even describe how you feel and act when Daddy get homes from work. You love to stand in the window or door and watch for his white truck to pull up. (sometimes when you see a white vehicle drive down our street to say Dada) As soon as Daddy pulls up, he stops in the road, rolls down the window and waves to you and the smile on your face is priceless and the amount of Dada's that you yell are endless. so stinkin' cute. 

- You still love your blankey and we don't go anywhere without one. (we have three, smartest buy we ever made)

-Things that you don't care for are being told no, having your finger and toenails cut and riding in your carseat at times.

the beginnings of a braid!!!

I love you baby girl...

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