Friday, October 17, 2014

Things I want her to know...

12 months ago, the nurse handed my husband and I our tiny bundle. She was ours, all ours with NO owners manual.

Since the day we found out that our first mini was going to be a girl, we knew we wanted her to grow to be a strong, confident and independent woman. The weight of that desire for her was never heavier than when that tiny bundle rested on top of my C-section scar. 

Lately I have been watching that tiny bundle transform into a loving, 'want to do it myself' toddler. Watching her grow so quickly has made me scared shitless. The first year went by so damn fast. too fast. I have only 17 more years to make sure she knows how to prepare a turkey Thanksgiving dinner, to know which wines go with what foods, and how to tell the difference between a 'tool' and 'the marrying type'.

17 years may sound like a lot of time, but after experiencing how fast 1 year goes, I would be lying if I said I wasn't shaking in my shoes.

There are so many things that I want her to know: 

1. You are ALWAYS aloud to say NO. And don't feel bad about it. 

2. Knowing how to cook will save you thousands. 

3. Life is too short for cheap hair cuts. Spend the extra. 

4. There will be other women who will judge you, compete with you,and try to knock you down. Screw them. Smile at them. And feel bad for them. 

5. It's okay to have a series marathon and eat out of the ice cream container or drink a bottle of wine after a stressful week of work. 

6. Speak your mind. Don't bottle it up inside 

7. The grass is not always greener on the other side. 

8.You are allowed to cry. It's okay. 

9. Whatever you wear, say or do..OWN IT!

10. Good tweezers are a must. You will have random hairs...truth.

11. The man to marry is the one who will not just listen to you, but hears what you're saying. 

12. Never feel ashamed to use a coupon or 10. Just keep in mind that bottle of wine or 6 pack of seasonal beer you will be able to buy with your saved money. 

13. Education is key. It's okay if you are not sure what you want to be, you will find your niche. 

14. Every girl must own a classic black dress and a pair of pumps. Make them good ones. 

15. ALWAYS love yourself. 

16. If you are going through it, I did too. Come to me for advice. 

I want her to grow into the women I know she will become. I am smitten with her as I watch her grow before me. 

Thank goodness I have 17 more years to remember what to tell her. Because this list is just a piece....

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