Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Little Catching Up

Hot diggity damn, this girls energy level just blows my mind. Her level of fear has seemed to disappear. Saying that she is ev.er.y.where is an understatement. The playroom was the best thing Rick and I have done as far as room changes. There hasn't been one day that we haven't spent a good amount of time in it. Usually at the end of the day it looks like it had a good play...and Momma cleans it all up after she is sound asleep for the next morning. If there is an award for making messes, this girl is a real winner. 

In other news...is there a such thing as starting too early? Sure there is but we bought it now just for her to learn about it, sit on it and become familiar with it. Everytime Momma goes, her little tooshie will be on the potty too. I wasn't going to win the Minnie or plain white potty battle at babies r us. ;) So Minnie and Mickey it is! i guess it will add a nice splash of color to our bathroom.

On a Halloween note, I am still working on her costume. I am struggling with one part since I am not a sewer. Back to Michaels today for the third time for the same things! Just 3 days to get this sucker done. Third time is a charm right? Let's hope. We did make time for a little pumpkin painting...this girl loves anything soft and gooey that she can mush between her fingers. Proud to say some paint did make it onto the pumpkin and not just in her hair, mouth and on the chair. 

Stella has such an obsession with the tractor. I swear she can hear Rick start this thing up from miles away. As soon as her eyes spot the green monster she is all ear to ear smiles. She is happy just sitting on it even she isn't scoring a free ride. true country girl.

Cheers! To a Happy Halloween week!

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