Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This girl can twerk!

Stella picks things up incredibly quick. The amount of things she can identify and how quick she can imitate something just blows Rick and I's minds. Right now we are working on eating with a spoon and fork...hello messes?! Ellie is having the time of her life. She probably gets a third meal with all of Stella's droppings. Goodbye diet! Rick and I make sure to practice walking with Stella every night. She really loves walking back and forth to us- she thinks it's a game! We are up to ten steps, ten good steps! I am sure it will be any day now. It is going to be like crawling I assume, it is just going to click one day and she is going to be off. I can barely keep up now..ha!

Because Rick calls us throughout the day to check in and see what we are up to- every single time my phone rings or she sees me on my phone she yells "Dada!". comical. Dada is her #1 word these days. She sees a white car drive down the road- "Dada!" Rick leaves the room- "Dada!" Tell her to say Momma she says "Dada!"

We are almost at the point where we can color with crayons or on the chalkboard without eating the crayons or chalk in between coloring. At one point, each time she went to put a crayon in her mouth I would take the crayon, say no and with my pointer finger tap her hand. Little miss smarty pants caught on. Every time she would put a crayon in her mouth and I would say no, she would drop the crayon and tap her right hand with her left.

Still in the Halloween spirits! We finally made a trip to Michaels Craft store and I bought the stuff to make her costume. I am really hoping it comes out to my expectations. I was thinking about buying a costume for back up. It might not be such a bad idea. Anyway, Halloween costume making is officially kicked off as of last night. You bet your ass I put Rick to work. :)

During the day we also did  little mini craft and made some ghost pretzels and other chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles...

I will leave you with a little Wednesday giggle....

All I can say to this short clip is my girl knows how to twerk! Watch out Miley Cyrus..haha! 

It's hump daaayyy, yea!  

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