Tuesday, October 13, 2015

You Know You're a Mom...

 You know you're a mom when you get excited that you can jam out in the car instead of singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for the millionth time, and both littles stay asleep for the entire ride.

You know you're a mom...

When the cooing conversation you just had with your newborn is probably the best conversation you will have all day.

When you find yourself peeling the skin off of grapes and calling them surprise eggs.

When you let your kid play in a bag of grass seed so they can occupy themselves for 10 minutes.
totally wasn't joking. 

When the bottom of your feet have tiny scabs on them from stepping on thousands of toys.

When you are nursing a hungry baby and trying to eat your hot dinner at the same time.

When your phone has over 1,000 pictures of your kid on it.

When at the end of the day you realize that you didn't get a chance to shower that day.

When you find yourself running like mad and checking off all you can during nap time. Quick batch of cupcakes-check. Dinner vegetables chopped and prepped-check. Coffee made and timer set for next morning- check. Fold laundry and put away- check. Water the mums- check.

When you find yourself crying over spilled breastmilk.

When kitchen dance parties is all the exercise that you can fit in for the day. my treadmill has more dust on it then ever before.

When you just don't have those extra 5 minutes in the shower to shave the legs.

When you love oh so much when both kiddies nap at the same time...but there is something so special when one of the two is up and we spend that quality time together just 'us two'. 

When you decide to stock up on DAWN soap for all of the breast milk poop blowouts. Best stain remover out there!

When you find yourself sleeping better because of baby's womb soundtrack and you begin putting it on for yourself.

When both kids are sleeping for the night, the house is quiet, and you find yourself just laying in bed in a dark quiet room and loving it. And then the baby wakes up hungry....

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