Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stella at 25 Months

It's been a busy week...of wiping and sucking snot from two tiny noses. 25 months is only a few days away for my little lady and I thought I would try and put a list together of things that she can do at this age. I know for sure that I am going to leave things out but figured I would give it a good try...I do work with her everyday and love for her to learn something new each day but some of the things that she says I really have no clue where she learned it....even though I would love to take the credit ;)

So here we go... at 25 months Stella:
-knows her first and last name
-can tell you what town she lives in
-can count 1-20
-can count 'backwards' 10-1
-can verbally spell Stella, Mom and Dad
-can sing the following songs: twinkle twinkle, mary had a little lamb, rain rain go away, ABC's, the itsy bitsy spider, happy birthday, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, family fingers and wheels on the bus.
-knows her shapes: square, circle. diamond, star, heart, rectangle, and a rainbow
-can draw circles, lines and dots
-can name her colors
-can name all her fruits and veggies(even garlic and edamame!)
-can name all the characters in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Winnie the Pooh
-Can name the following parts of the body: face, head, hair, mouth, nose, cheeks, chin, ears, knee, hands, fingers, piggies(toes), nails, teeth, eyes, eyelashes, belly, boobies, butt.
- Calls the following people by name: Mommy, Daddy, Ricky, Gammy, Pop, Nana, Poppop, Uncle Wade, Uncle Wyatt
-Calls the following animals by name: Ellie, Gigi, Sydney, Sookie, Chaps and Elvis, Red Red and MoMo
-Says "excuse me" when she either burps, toots, or if someone is in her way.
-Says "bless you" when someone sneezes.
-can name the following animals: dog, kitty cat, horse, pig, goat, sheep, fish, monkey, bear, moose, deer, bunny, frog, chicken, duck, cow, bird, butterfly, lion, and donkey. She also knows most of the sounds that they make. 
-can identify a fork, spoon and knife.
-says please and thank you
-can work the ipad probably better than Rick and I ;)
-if we are driving and she sees a 'big truck" out her window she yells "BIG TRUCK" and names the color of it!
-If we are on the towpath she she sees a bike coming, she yells "Mommy, Bike- get to side!" and she runs to the side to let the bike pass! She then tells me that if  she doesn't get to the side, it will squish her like a pancake!
-When she sees Rick or I starting the wood stove- she goes right for the paper and starts crushing it up and knows to put that in first, then the kindling(wood as she calls it). After that's done she knows it's time for the torch and backs up and says "Hot! Get burned."
-When she sees that we are pulling into Target, she knows that there is a Starbucks in it and asks for a cake pop! not kidding this girl remembers everything!

Like I said before, as soon as I publish this I know there are going to be things that I wish I had remembered! I knew I was bound to leave out some! However, this is a pretty damn good list ;)

Rick and I tell Stella ALL the time how smart she is and how proud we are of her. 

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