Friday, October 30, 2015

Stella Loves to Sing

Well it's Friday and this week honestly flew by. I really don't know why, we didn't do too much...a few errands here and there, walks on the towpath, played outside. It was a pretty chill week and because of that I don't really have much to say about this week.

But I do have a short toddler tale to share...

When I put Stella in her bed for her nap she usually hangs by her gate for some time yelling "Mommy...where are yooooou?" I watch the monitor and wait for her to get sleepy and fall asleep. As I usually do, I put a sleepy diaper on her and put her in her bed, came downstairs, turned on the monitor, checked on her and began to straighten up; the playroom mostly. I got most of the playroom cleaned and still heard her yelling for me. I checked e monitor and had to do a double girl was bare ass with diaper in hand!! I went upstairs, trying to hold back my laughter and asked her why she took off her diaper. I look at the diaper and she had peed in it. She then looked at the diaper and said "Holy Moly, I peepee in diaper Mommy!"

On another note....
Stella is a singing machine these days...she sings in the bath/shower, on the towpath during our walks, in her room during nap time, to her 'guys'...pretty much everywhere! Here is a little 'Mary Had a Little Lamb"...

I can't even explain how excited I am for Stella to go trick or treating tomorrow and wear her costume!! I am happy and super impressed that she hasn't spilled the beans. She is already walking around the house with her pumpkin saying "trick or treat". Dare I say it? Rick and I have already been talking about how much fun this Christmas is going to be with Stella!! This is really a kick ass age. 

Happy Friday!

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