Monday, October 26, 2015

Checking off the Fall Bucket List

Last week was a crazy week due to potty training boot camp! (more to come on that this week) Therefore, blogging just wasn't going to happen. I cannot believe that October is almost over already; and Halloween is next weekend! I am so excited for Stella's Halloween costume this year because Rick and her are dressing up together. I can honestly say that I didn't put as much effort into her costume this year as I did last. Who the hell has time to cut 100's of feathers for an owl cape?! Apparently I did last year. Ha! No mo'!

We have definitely been making the most of this season and checking off things from our Fall bucket list! We have visited more than one pumpkin patch and enjoyed the festivities at the farm. From Stella taking her first hayride, to picking the perfect pumpkin to enjoying the good ol' food trucks. Damn skippy I indulged in a funnel cake...really...who can walk by a funnel cake food truck with that sweet deep fried dough smell and not get one? Poor Ricky went home covered in powered sugar since I was wearing him in the wrap- doesn't take much to get things stuck in the doo ;) love his hair so freakin much! 

Let's see we have also gone apple picking, made apple pie, and carved our sorry looking jack-o'lantern. Stella loved digging the goop and seeds out of the pumpkin. She mostly enjoyed taking a hand full, squeezing it between her fingers and letting it drip down her. Not to mention she also enjoyed taking the permanent marker that we gave her to draw the face on the pumpkin and gave herself a little lipstick makeover! At first I wasn't sure if the mess was going to be worth the end result....but it definitely was! Rick put her right into the tub! a messy kitchen is a happy kitchen.  We still have yet to light that sucker!

Also love this season for the football Sundays spent on the couch and the colors on the trees...good color practice with Stella in the truck. 

The Fall shenanigans is not over and just 5 more days until the Halloween costume reveal! :)

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