Friday, October 9, 2015

Cheers to the Weekend!

To start this weather is a favorite for sure. We have been outside each day soaking it up before it is gone. hoping for a mild winter. Fresh air for us all has been a good dose of medicine. It has been a rough week and I am super happy that it is Friday and we have Rick home for he next to days. This week all started with that damn car seat which was a major pain in my ass and gave me a good run in my laundry dept skills. After countless washes with baby dreft, purex, baking soda, white vinegar and dawn oh yea and my toothbrush I am pretty sure it's as good as new. Note to Self: when Ricky is ready for a convertible car seat, get one that the cover easily zips on and off with fairly easy washing instructions. We have had babies mainly the older one that do not want to go to sleep and are throwing our night time routine through a ringer this too shall pass, i'm hoping , and 5 a.m wakings from both littles.  A certain set of sticky fingers decided to open up a large collection of Ricky's dirty diapers to see what kind of surprises were in each! gross! Cranky babies, one cries they both cry kind of moments, listening skills tried, baby needs fed as toddler cries for Mommy yo play in the playroom that very moment, patience limits reached...

but the smiles, Mommy I give you a kiss, Love you Mommy, I did it all by myself moments makes these crappy ones oh so foggy. or maybe it was that extra glass of wine. kidding!

But really weeks like this just make the good times that much sweeter. We definitely had some good times this week, fall inspired of course.

It was time to spice up our towpath walks with a little Fall scavenger hunt! I explained it to her before we left and showed her the bag. As soon as she got out of the stroller to walk, she asked for her bag! Stella loved it and was so excited to put things into her bag! We both had a blast looking for the things listed! Definitely a do it again!

We headed to the farm to pick out a little pumpkin to paint. It was so damn cute to watch Stella try to pick up each pumpkin. When she would get to the bigger ones she would say "oh no Mommy, too heavy!"

and we couldn't leave without seeing the what we used to call piggies! They got so big!

these smiles...a total favorite. 

Octoberfest...another total favorite. :)

we did a little pumpkin painting...

my gosh do I love these two...Being a Mommy definitely has it's hard moments but these two make my heart melt over and over. 

the Halloween stuff that the kids can wear make this month so much fun! Halloween jammies, shirts, and headbands/hair clips for the win!

Even though it's been really nice outside, it is still October and that calls for Soup! I totally made two different large pots of soup this week! Kicked off the season with good ol' chicken noodle and chunky vegetable. I love being able to make it early in the day and having dinner done since that seems to be a chaotic time around here! 

oh man that face! Ricky: just smile and take the damn picture already so we can be done!

Here's to the freakin' weekend- I'll drink to that!

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