Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Highlights

To be honest there aren't too many weekend highlights because it was a low key weekend for the most part. Not much planned except for a baby shower on Saturday and I took Ricky with me and Stella had some Daddy daughter time with Rick. The rest of Saturday was spent home making mess after mess with the little lady since it was so crappy out. I need to work on teaching her how to clean up one toy before taking out another!? Riight!! I try to stay pretty close behind or else the house looks like a war zone.We officially lit the wood stove on Saturday night. Once the kids went to bed, we relaxed and enjoyed the first lighting :) I really can't believe we are heating the house with the stove already.

 Sunday we had planned on going pumpkin picking but it was way too windy to bring the little man out to the pumpkin patch; so we are planning on going next weekend instead. So we took a family trip to the store to grab a few household items. We were totally that family with two carts-one kiddie in each. :) Here's a highlight: later that day both kiddos took a nap at the same time and Rick and I sat on the front porch and threw back a few beers with good conversation. two rocking chairs, two beers, and two monitors with sleeping babes.... good times, good times.

Stella totally fell asleep on her floor. She has finally discovered that she could get out of her bed and play...

yup, all the toys on the back deck and swingset and she'd rather play in the wood... :)

I am going to begin working on Stella's Halloween costume Ricky's 2 month update hopefully tonight....Saturday he was 2 months old. Cannot believe little chunky monkey. He is showin' off more and more smiles each day...

So it is now afternoon and things have finally started to calm down...both are sleeping. Monday morning went a little something like this...

both kids were up at 6 a.m. Rick actually got Stella out of her room and brought her down into our bed before he left for work. 

Made our way into the kitchen at 7 a.m.

Poured my first 'much needed' cup of coffee

Stella is playing in her playroom and Ricky is sleeping in his bed since he was just fed. 

sit down to blog....

Phone's Rick

"Are my work keys there?" (see, we hide things like this because there a set of sticky fingers around here- last time we found them in the playroom)

"Yep, they are in the draw, do you want me to bring them to you?"

Load the kids up in their jammies and run Rick his work keys. 

things are good- Ricky is sleeping- he usually sleeps at this time anyway. Stella could use a power nap because she is was up so early. 

Drop keys off.

Begin to make our way home.

Stella starts to whine for her blankies which are home

"We're almost home honey."

Ricky is due to eat but is still sleeping. Don't wake the baby!

get off our exit- 15 minutes from home. 

Stella begins to cough...

projectile vomit....ev.ery.where!!

Stella starts crying.

Ricky starts wailing! Forgot the damn soother at home. 

pull over, strip her down, begin dry heaving myself (I can change a million shit diapers but when it comes to throw up I have the weakest stomach. sound or smell and i'm doomed!)

both kids are crying.

buckle her back in with the puke covered straps.

think how I am going to clean this car seat.

Both fall asleep 5 minutes from home.

pull in driveway

run Ricky in.

Pick Stella up out of  her carseat. Her butt sopping wet with throw up. 

Strip off her jammies, peel off my sweatshirt.

Baby wipe her down- put on clean jammies.

Feed Ricky.

Both are calm and content.

Pull the carseat out of the truck and begin to scrub the shit out of it. Never new there were so many parts to a car seat!

Sure enough it got in every nook and cranny. Damn!

Grab my toothbrush and begin scrubbing with vinegar and water. Out in the sun the car seat goes. 

Now we wait...

just another manic Monday.

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