Friday, October 16, 2015

Stella, Ricky and I Are...

making// everything on the grill! Grilled veggies are our jam lately! We make the mostly green beans, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, sweet peppers and grilled cauliflower is a-maz-balls! Stella and I have also been eating alot of chips and salsa and green peppers with hummus which Stella calls 'nummus'. 

drinking// water, lactation tea, Stella is enjoying the Stonyfield Organic Strawberry smoothies lately and she has been on an orange juice kick. And I think we all know what Ricky has been drinking...
reading// Ha! Nothing that doesn't come from Stella's bookshelf. Lots of Halloween books.
watching// a few netflix movies- my way of watching a movie: hitting pause a thousand times to tend to a kiddie, or I break it into parts and watch it during nap time sometimes. Good thing it picks up from where I left off each time I go to watch it. About Alex, Listen to your Heart, and Short Term 12 are the three most recent watches. 
eating// lots of boobie juice cookies.
smelling// Right now?! My candle burning in the kitchen- Caramel Pumpkin Swirl
enjoying// these baby snuggles.

loving// this video clip and these smiles...not to mention the crazy hair and chubby cheeks! and his baby blues.. <3

hoping//  to squeeze in as many walks with hot spiced apple cider and cookie dates as we can before it get too cold. 

needing// to get Ricky some 3-6 months jammies!
wearing// cozy sweaters, sweatshirts...everything Fallish!
bookmarking// a few new soup recipes...I am definitely going to give this white bean chili a try as well as this pork chili verde. Soup and homemade bread- total comfort food right there!

and looking forward to//  apple picking tomorrow! 

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