Saturday, October 10, 2015

Ricky's 2 Month Update

Dear Ricky,
I am enjoying all of your yummy baby goodness. Waking up to your sweet face each morning is the best thing in the world. Watching you so closely and hearing your sweet breathe while you sleep are two of my most favorite things. I wish I could freeze time and keep you little enough to stuff in my wrap, always. Your smiles are a killer and I would like to order infinity more each day. I love you little man. 
All my Love.

Weight: 13 lbs 12 ounces. 69th percentile! The doctors couldn't believe he is a breast fed baby!
Height: 23 inches long. 29th percentile.
Head Circumference: 43 cm. 97th percentile. 
Appetite: You are still eating like a machine. During the days, your hunger sets in about every 2 hours unless you are sleeping you sometimes go 3 hours. At each feeding you are eating about 4-6 ounces of breast milk. On a typical night, you wake to eat twice, sometimes once if Momma is lucky. I am still steering clear of dairy. We are still dealing with a bit of acid relux so we keep you upright for a while after you eat and you sleep on an incline. I am sometimes unsure how belches and farts can come out of a little body like yours! You one gassy little boy...which is the culprit for many of your tears. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothing. We made the change to size 1 diapers. 
Milestones: You have some strong neck muscles and are doing a great job holding your head up. Most times you are not a huge fan of tummy time but you tolerate it. When I talk to you (or really anyone) you are able to focus and follow them. When I talk to you, oh those smiles are to die for! I am seeing more and more of them each day. 
Thoughts: Time goes just as fast, if not faster the second time around. I am doing my very best to cherish everything and live in the each and every moment with you. 
Our routine:  I am beginning to see a daily pattern of sleep times and feeding time even though I'd say that we don't really have a set routine just yet. You wake around 7 and eat right away. We make our way out to the living room so you can play on your play mat or get mauled by your sister. You play until about 8 and then take your first nap in your swing while Mommy plays with Stella. You seem to have no problem sleeping through Stella's loud mouth! :) You eat around 9:30 and if it is bath day you take your morning bath after this feeding and then play on your mat for a bit until you get sleepy. You then nap in your swing to wake up to eat around 12:00ish. With play and sleep inbetween your feedings are around 3:00ish, 5:30, and 8:00. Usually that is your last feeding for the night unless I feel you were extra hungry that day and could use more, I wake you around 10:30 to feed you once more and you go right back to sleep. You then wake to eat twice at night around 1:00 a.m and 4:00 a.m. A few days ago I went back to Stella's infant updates to see what our night routine looked like with her and wanted to follow the same or close to the same. After your 8:00 feeding we cozy you up in your bed and watch you drift off to sleep. Lately I have been putting on womb/white noise sound to help soothe you. 
Any big changes: Mornings and evenings were/and sometimes still are cranky times for you. lots of crying. I am noticing less and less crankiness during the daytime with more smiles- that's a big change!  However, evenings still seem to be fussy times for you, the colic will pass. Mommy will be sure to tell you when you get older how much of a crier you were. My sollybaby wrap is a saving grace for all of your fussy moments!  I am still soaking up and cherishing every moment these days because I know how fast time goes. if you're content and cozy in the wrap and it' the only place where you don't cry then in the wrap you will go-close to Mommy's heart. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. eating
2. you love being carried in my the sollybaby wrap. 
3. sleeping 
4. Your play kick mat! Your arms and legs go a mile a minute. 
5. Watching the fan go round and round
6. When Stella talks to you, you light up and smile the biggest smiles! Definitely an over the moon happy moment for a Mommy.

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