Monday, March 2, 2015

Snow?! Again?!

I feel really lucky that Stella doesn't normally have to eat on the go. Don't get my wrong we have some busy mornings where I am grabbing something for her to eat as we are running out the door; more often not though. I really enjoy having the mornings to prepare something good for her to eat to kick off her day. We are both lovers of sweet potato, especially baked sweet potatoes, and as an added bonus they are a great source of iron, potassium, vitamin B6, and A. Sometimes when I have the mornings open I put a few in the oven at 400 degrees and let them bake for an hour or so. When I do this I always bake extra. There are so many things you can do with a sweet potato, especially once it is already baked and mashed. This morning I whipped up some sweet potato oatmeal muffins. They were so delicious and she we absolutely loved them. To complete her muffin breakfast, she had a couple tablespoons of cottage cheese and sliced bananas and strawberries. breakfast- check!

Will we ever see yard again? Rick was outside last night snow blowing at 8:00 p.m. As I am writing this post, I am watching snow fall. WTF?! The only way I thought I could feel a wee bit of Spring was to bring it into the house. So as far as decorations go, I totally skipped right over St. Patty's day and put out the Easter goods. Love the Springy colors! 

What is with this expression? Maybe she wasn't feeling the blue flavor that day?!

and for the amount of selfies that I randomly find on my phone?! No wonder my media storage is full!

have no idea how she even got that Christmas border on there...haha

Happy Monday!

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