Tuesday, March 10, 2015

More Pictures, Less Words

The first 50 degree weather day yesterday felt like Spring! No doubt that we were outside. After the time that we spent yesterday just walking around the driveway and sidewalks, digging in the stones, dipping the stones in the snow, made me more excited for this Spring. Stella was so happy to be outside; one glance at her swing she was smiling ear to ear pointing and yelling. When Rick got home he cleaned off her swing and in she went. The soggy mess that it is outside is not going to keep us from enjoying the temps. We have been stuck in the house for way too long! Here are a few pictures from our short adventures outside yesterday...

Stella the little mixologist. Ha! I swear this kept her busy for a good half hour last night. She was dumping drips of her water into her four color cups and either spilling it out to wipe it up with a paper towel or drinking it, slamming her cup down and saying "ah!' (the sound you typically hear after drinking a refreshing drink on a hot Summer day) 

all the meanwhile our friends were outside eating their dinner...

And those bunny jammies that I ordered for Stella??...totally in love with them and her cheesy smile in the next picture. Stella loved them too because they have bunnies on them ;) Getting her dressed these days is a real chore. She'd rather wear no clothes and stick to just shoes or boots. Getting dressed for the day usually consists of me either chasing her down followed by buckets of tears or some sort of bribe. Yup, bribing a one year old- no judgement! :)

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