Saturday, March 28, 2015

18 Months aka 1 and a half?!

Stella babe, you are 1 and a half! How did this happen? You have transformed into this smart, funny, loving, beautiful, little girl. But, just so you know- no matter how old you really are you will always be my baby. I love you something fierce. You have shown me who I am meant to be, who I am today, a Momma, to you. You have taught me that this is what I am suppose to do in my life. Motherhood is by far the best thing in this entire world. You are my sunshine, and I am more than thankful for each day that we spend together. You are the sweetest and perfect thing. 

Daddy and I have already told you but we are not sure if you completely understand just yet. But you my little girl are going to have a little brother. You are going to teach him so many things and be the best big sister one could be to him. He is going to look up to you, he is going to admire you and he is going to love you. He already is the luckiest little man because he is going to have you to grow up with. I couldn't be more proud to have you by my side to help me take care of him when he arrives. I love you Stella. Happy 1 and half years old sweet girl. 

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