Thursday, March 12, 2015

First Froyo Trip of the Year!

This girl just kills me. She must think I am always in her face with the camera. When she sees me taking a picture of her now, she gives me her cheesy smile. I am so in love with her smile. Her whole faces scrunches and she shows off her pearly whites :)

Stella and I had our first froyo date of the year. Many more to follow- that is for sure. It was so much fun. She was able to walk around the froyo shop and help me pump out some yogurt. She pointed to the toppings that she wanted-all the colorful ones of course- and we shared a cup together with two separate spoons each feeding ourselves. She felt like such a big girl sitting in the big chair. Between each bite she would point to the chair she was sitting in and say "chhh" for chair.

First fro yo trip of 2015 down!

While I was writing this post yesterday, Stella was napping, I was fresh off the treadmill, the house was clean decent, no dinner prep really needed to be done so I sat and looked at my posts from last year. More specifically this time last year. Reading and looking at pictures made me feel so happy that I began this when I did. I can't believe all of the things I had forgotten about already and it's only been a year. To see how my little baby has changed in just one year is incredible. Some posts made me cry, and some made me chuckle. Beginning this blog about my journey through motherhood was one of the best decisions I have made. Blog on I shall!

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