Monday, March 16, 2015

Lately and Some Food Fun

I'd like to think that we are over the cold hump and the days will be mild until it really warms up. And by mild, I mean feeling comfortable with a coat on outside. Today was mild. Stella is a happy camper even if it's just walking around outside, digging in the rocks and touching what snow/ice is left on the ground which isn't much-hallelujah! It's the getting her to come back inside that is the difficult part. The ground is still way too mushy both at the park and our backyard as well. Driveway and sidewalk play it is :)

Our weekend was good. Busy one day and the other was just the opposite. It was a nice balance. Saturday we visited with some friends. Stella is so great around other kids- to sit back and watch her just makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Not because she is my kid and all, but she is just a great sharer and is always willing to give her toys away. She will hand over every single toy in her backpack. I really hope that character trait is around to stay ;) She is growing up so fast, which makes me want to freeze time more and more. Sunday we spent running a few family errands, grabbed lunch and cooked a nice big ol' pot of split pea soup. Still loving Soup Sundays! Stella decided to not nap on Sunday. Surprisingly the evening went way better than I had imagined it going. The little babe was in bed by 7:30 snoozing and Rick and I sipped on some tea and watched a movie. Great end to a weekend. 
blurry as hell- but adorable

And lastly- for a little food fun lately....

initial pancakes

my jam lately..Stella's arugula, strawberries, feta, hard boiled eggs, walnuts in a dijon maple vinaigrette

mini rum cheesecakes with strawberries shooters

and because it is almost St. Patty's day..Lucky Charms marshmallow treats with extra marshmallow :) I have trouble letting them set before I get my hands on them and begin eating them...

Cheers! Wishing I had a green beer in hand ;)

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