Thursday, March 5, 2015

Stella and I Are...

making//chicken ossu buco, farmhouse hash, and honey garlic chicken for dinner this week. not all at once obviously. 
drinking// water with lemon slices, and the Starbucks caramel flan latte's are back :)
reading//Good Night Moon, and I Love You Stinky Face.
wanting// to take a walk outside soo bad. 
watching// just finished all 6 seasons of parenthood. looking for a new series to binge watch and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse of course. 
listening//to Stella rambling on in her own language. she likes to talk with her hands!
eating// lots of eggs and Hodgson Multi Grain cereal with Quinoa and Flax for breakfast, and Spinach, quinoa, pear and goat cheese salad for lunch. and twizzlers! 
smelling//my pumpkin praline waffle plug-ins from bath and body works. so sad they are discontinued. 
wishing//this damn snow melts soon. we are true snow haters at the moment. 
enjoying//the age Stella is at right now. her personality is just the best. 
loving// this ice cream. It is pure heaven!
hoping// Stella's new jammies that I ordered come soon. totally fell in love with them. 
needing//a thorough Spring cleaning of our house; a true clean house brings me such satisfaction. 
feeling//not 30?! :)
wearing// pj's and sweats all the way. 
bookmarking//this recipe. It is on the menu for next week dinners. and this recipe looks so delish!

and looking forward to// Rick and I's movie date night tomorrow night. 

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