Thursday, February 26, 2015

Special Moments...

I plan on getting my ass in gear this weekend to take Stella's 17 month pictures. In the meantime we did take a visit to the doctors and she is a healthy 24 pounds :) I am so thankful that she is healthy. She is such a special little girl and I love her something fierce. I have been sharing and loving so many moments with her lately. Here are a few that make my heart melt....

early morning snuggles in bed. other way to put it. a guaranteed good time :)

playing dress up first thing in the morning.

 in the doctor's waiting room. I remember the times she would be snuggled up in her carseat while we waited, but she is now sitting in the chair next to me waiting to be called. 

and sometimes it's just easier to have matching lunches and eat them picnic style.

Being a Mom to her is something like no other. She makes my day each and every single day. She is my daughter, my buddy, my love, my everything. 

Love you the moon and back. 

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