Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Favorites

Well it is Friday. Cheers to that! I thought maybe this would be a good day for a post about some at the moment favorites. So Friday favorites it is and here they are....

Stella calls them 'deeries' and I call them Rick's furry children. Our deer around here are like clockwork. I swear they know when Rick gets home and are across the street waiting for their corn. Rick stops on the way home weekly to buy them a huge bag of corn like it's his job ;) Lately since the ground has been snow covered, they have been making more stops than usual at our home looking for extra food. Yesterday, they came breakfast time and were digging in the snow covered driveway looking for any hidden treasure. As soon as Rick was done slow blowing for the upteenth time this winter,  they were here eating away. The other day Rick counted 14 in the driveway! The babies are soo cute!

We, mostly Stella has really been enjoying a new addition to the playroom. This pizza party keeps her busy for a record time! All of the pizza slices and topping coins velcro to make the pizza pie. I have really grown to love the Melissa and Doug wooden toy sets. I find them to be well made and last a long time. The cupcake set is also Melissa and Doug. Not only do we like to make different pizza's with the toppings, but we like to make it rain mushrooms up in here!

I can't even explain how funny Stella's babbling is. I have tried so many times to catch her best work on video but as soon as I turn the video on the best is over. She really gets into her conversations and she is a hand talker! Her hands are always going as she babbles. Rick and I enjoy nothing more than to sit back and take in this live entertainment each and every night. Here is a short clip. 

I have recently switched shampoos for Stella and have found a new favorite. I have fallen in love with the Honest brand body wash and shampoo. The sweet orange vanilla scent is to die for and leaves her smelling oh so yummy. But even better, it leaves her hair so silky and soft. If they made an adult version I would be all over that. 

These cheesy favorite

This has been my go to lunch for over a week straight. I am in love. It didn't take Stella long to jump on the spinach quinoa salad band wagon. This time I don't think she wants it just because it is my plate, however, she really enjoys it.  baby spinach, craisins and sliced pear tossed with a small amount of EVOO,balsamic vinegar and salt. Then tossed with warm quinoa to slightly wilt the spinach. Add in goat cheese! Yumm!

To say I am excited to make up Stella's Easter basket this year is an understatement. I can't wait to fill it with tutu's, chapsticks, and these heart shaped sunnies. Of course I will put in a few Easter books to add to her library. 

Time to kick off the weekend :)

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