Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First Cold of 2015 and Our Weekend

This weekend was great, besides the fact that Stella was a little bit under the weather. She woke up on Friday with the beginnings of a cold, and the cold symptoms only seemed to progress through the weekend. Unfortunately for toddlers her age no cold meds do the trick; those nasty germs just have to run their course. So, the humidifier is running, warm baths are being taken, a pot of Momma's chicken soup was made, herbal tea with honey is brewing and a fro yo trip for some sherbert was in order! Even though she wasn't fully herself we still managed to get her out and get some fresh air this weekend.

As a Mom, when your baby is sick you feel so helpless... I just wanted to make her as comfy as possible...and take the germies away.

I love love love weekend breakfasts with both Rick and Stella. We kicked off our morning with these yummy homemade strawberry poptarts. They were way better than the store bought ones especially warm out of the oven and were so easy! totally cheated and used store bought pie crust though ;)

Later that day we took her out for some Clinton fresh air and some fro yo :) Even though it is officially Spring, it definitely does not feel like it! It was rather a quick trip as she wasn't herself. When we got back home Stella helped Rick feed the deer. She lives for things outdoors....maybe it feels like we have been in the house for ages.

I heart these two...

ahh...the Easter bunny. I thought for sure it was going to be a repeat meltdown from Santa. Boy, was I wrong. She couldn't get out of my arms fast enough to go up to him. She even sat on his lap and gave the photographer one of her cheesy grins! She was infatuated with the bunny, so much that she actually cried when we had to take her off of his lap. I was so proud of her. We then spent some of the day strolling around the mall with Nana, Pop, and your Uncles. i just wish you felt better sweet girl. 

and that was our weekend in a nutshell. i decided to leave out the rough nights we had getting Stella down for bed,i can't sleep either when I am stuffed up and coughing, all the boogies I got to suck, and we are still using the wood stove as the temps are cold as shit...but we are about to run out of wood...Spring where the hell art tho?...we ain't got no more wood!!

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