Friday, January 22, 2016

Unrelated Title but Getting Ready for the Snow!

making// Stella has been spending so much time in her play kitchen. She is always asking, Rick, Ricky or I to taste what she has made. Ricky will open his mouth to almost any spoon that Stella puts near it. She likes to make beer soup (yep- mother of the year.), pizza soup that she cooks in her microwave for 2 minutes-fastest soup ever!, and can't forget the boobie milk soup. Yea, I guess she likes to cook soup.
drinking// Mommy's choice of evening drink lately? Sam Adams Cold Snap- in a frosty mug please ;) Stella has been downing the Vitamin C.

reading// nothing...just sayin'

watching// totally hooked on Nurse Jackie! Another guilty pleasure- Teen Mom is back on with a new season ;) I love when I have things on my DVR to watch since I almost NEVER watch them when they are actually airing. I am either playing play-doh, cooking in Stella's play kitchen or being checked out by Doctor Stella!
eating//  our dinner menu lately has been recipes that can either be cooked stove top or in the crock pot since our oven was a no go. (side note: it was finally delivered yesterday! So yes- Valentine's Day cupcakes are on our menu for today) Stew, Soups, burrito in a bowl, pasta and meatballs have all been on the menu lately. Ricky's menu: butternut squash, peas and sweet potato. A post all about his eating experience coming soon. 
smelling// freshly bathed babies. Cold days call for extra long morning/afternoon tub time! Still swooning over the Shea Moisture baby bath and lotion. The smell is to die for!
enjoying// just being home with my two littles every day. 

loving// Matching Mommy's new ballet flats  and Stella's new ballet flats! Stella was under the weather in this picture but I blow dried her hair after her bath the other day.... <3 My little blondie. 

hoping//  to break in Stella's new snow boots this weekend in all this snow we are suppose to get! She is going to freakin' love it!

needing// a damn hair cut. Totally having that postpartum hair loss- clumps at a time. Need a fresh cut over here! Stella has this hair phobia too just like Rick. I swear when she finds a piece of my hair anywhere near her- it's like she is touching a pile of dog shit. She won't step foot in the shower if there is a single strand of hair stuck on the drain. Hmm..toddler problems. 

wearing// new Valentine's Day jammies. Not sure why but ever since Stella was born I get so excited to put new jammies on them. Especially right after a bath. I love buying them cute clothes, but their is something about jammies- coordinating and/or holiday jammies especially!

when did he get so big?! 
#ladiesman? It should say #mommy'sman!

bookmarking// time to find new recipes for the new oven ;)

and looking forward to//  being snowed in this weekend with the hubs and babes :) I am thinkin' roasted smore's in the wood stove and root beer floats in frosty mugs. 

And just because babies in hats are soo cute....

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