Thursday, January 14, 2016

On the Mend- Our Week So Far

The kids are in jammies every clip in this video and that kind of explains our week so far. We haven't left the house this week except for one quick trip to the market for a few ingredients for dinner; even then I felt bad taking them out. One- it is freaking cold outside and two Stella has been under the weather. she is on the mend now thank goodness.  Stella came down with something last Friday- fever, aches, pail skin color. Her fever actually spiked over 103 Friday night at 2 a.m in which I called the Medical Center. A few days later and here we are- it's all just draining now. I have been wiping and sucking endless snot. Ha- the joys of motherhood ;) I thought for sure Ricky was going to get what Stella had since she can't stay out if his face. When she talks to him she feels the need to be right up in his personal space and when I would tell her to back up a bit she would have a meltdown. Stella is ultra sensitive when she doesn't feel well- you can look at her wrong and she will cry. Anyway, we are getting back to normal over here. Do I dare speak of this, I really don't want to jinx myself but Ricky's sleep is back to normal as well. Last week's sleep flat out sucked! He is back to sleeping through the night (7:30-6:30) or waking once a night to eat. And since I am not a walking zombie I have been able to check off a few of my to do things around here:  Shower- haha kidding- not really, I cleaned out Rick and I's closet! That was a biggie! I have a few large black trash bags full of clothes to donate and a couple bags full of trash! I had no clue their was so much unnecessary shit in there! That may be only thing I get done this week- and I am totally cool with that. A clean and organized closet makes for a productive week. 

So here is just a short video of snippets from our week so far. I have really been enjoying capturing quick moments of them in action. The videos aren't the best of quality and I am still tinkering and learning to merge the short videos and editing them. But for now they'll do :)

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