Monday, January 18, 2016

Back In Our Jammies

Well it looks like we are back in our jammies, housebound for the next few days again. Stella took a few steps back this weekend. I thought we were on the mend last week, but I couldn't of been more wrong. This weekend her fever spiked back up, she woke up Friday after her nap with a horrible cough and a squeeky voice. Both led to a nurse call and then a Sunday morning visit to the doctor. She cried the entire way to the doctors office- she was crying that she was cold and she kept scooching down in her seat as far as she could. Just as I was about to turn into the parking lot- it was projectile vomit! I felt so bad for her; she was covered and so was her seat and the back of the truck seat that her feet rested on! Thank goodness for the spare jacket and blanket in my truck as well as the spare clothes I had. I striped her jacket off and wrapped her in the spare coat and blanket and carried her into the doctors. I took her right to the bathroom and tried to wipe down her hair, face, neck and hands as much as I could. I went through every single wipe that I had. Damn you virus! I hate those words from the doctors mouth "it just needs to run it's course." Grr... and damn you car seat! I knew I was in for another battle against that vomit smell on the seat. Momma-2 Carseat-0! After an afternoon spent scrubbing the shit out of it with an old toothbush and dawn, it's as good as new. While I cleaned one- I also cleaned the other one from Rick's truck that we will use for Ricky when is ready to make the transition. Little monster is getting heavy in the infant seat. 

So here we are Monday morning, back in our jammies, snuggling up, playing every game in the playroom a thousand times. I wanted so bad to put Stella's snow pants and boots on and let her play in the dusting of snow that we got. we will just have to wait until next time. 

You know this little one isn't feeling well when you find her snuggled up next to one of us sound asleep on the couch- that happened more than once this weekend. She is miss independent these days and almost never snuggles up to sleep or slow down for that matter. She is forever on the go, going a million miles a minute. I looked at Rick yesterday when she was cozied up close to him snoozing to bank those snuggles because they don't happen often and one day we will be wishing for them.

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