Wednesday, January 6, 2016

No New Year Goals This Year

Raising littles is by far the most important, exhausting, rewarding, tiring, fulfilling, did I say tiring task. Everything that I do, say, plan, is with them in mind. Can she reach this? Can I eat this since Ricky can't have dairy? Will I be back in time for Ricky to eat? Should I pack them lunch/dinner? Can I nurse in this shirt? Did she hear me say that? Do I have extra diapers and wipes? Do I have emergency snacks in my bag? Do I have extra wine for tonight ;) 

And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

So as far as new year goals this year; my goal is to make no goals. Let's be real here, I probably won't stick to them anyway. As long as my kids go to sleep full, warm, cozy, loved and happy that is more than enough for me; more than I will get out of achieving any goal. My goal everyday this new year is my kids. They are this age once and I need to embrace every moment I can with them. Loving my kids is a goal I know for sure that I can won't let slip through the cracks. 

Happy New Years 2016! 

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