Friday, January 8, 2016

Thank God It's Friday

Seriously, is it the weekend yet? Because I am tapping out. This has been that kind of week. So it seems not only is Ricky on strike with bottles but sleeping at night also. He has been going down normal time with little fight and sleeping until midnight. When the clock strikes midnight...apparently it's time to party nurse, nurse and nurse some more. Sleep was limited this week- I even kept telling myself get them to bed early and do the same to get in some zzz's before the clock strikes. But really, you know how that goes. As tired as I was, I found myself scrubbing my carpet shampooer until it looked brand spanking new (because really is there a better time to do this?), standing in a long hot shower way past my bedtime or scrolling pinterest looking for some new recipes that clearly don't require an oven because our new one isn't arriving until the end of the month...WTF?! Stella had more days then not with no nap this week, and the days that she did nap I swear her and Ricky planned the timing. let's screw with mommy. As I would walk up the stairs to put Stella in her bed, I literally crossed the hall to get Ricky out of his crib. And not sure but found myself washing more Minnie undies this week then ever before because I was down to one pair some days. 

As far as Ricky's sleep goes, my guess is it's a mixture of teething because he can't shove his hands any further in his mouth and he is hitting a growth spurt. These too shall pass. 

Stella accidentally dropped the night time bottle. I say accidentally because she had one bottle that she drank from every night. those damn Dr. Brown bottles- I would have a stare down with that bottle all day telling myself "i'll wash it later" because washing a bottle with 5 parts blows. When Stella would ask for her night cap, I would find that damn bottle in the sink needing to be washed kicking myself in the ass for not washing it earlier! Anyway, that bottle finally needed to be replaced and we bought her a new one- same kind but apparently they changed a few things, updates I guess. When we gave her the new bottle full of milk- "Mommy I no like. Want new milk." Long story short- she still hates the new bottle, old bottle is already in some landfill and she has chosen her kitty cup instead. Downfall to all this? The bottle would take her longer to drink and would settle her down into sleepy mode where the cup she sucks down like a camel and thinks it's time to play again. Therefore, bedtime this week has been a struggle. Rick and I tried beginning our bedtime routine sooner each night trying to have her in bed at her bedtime- it was a fail; except for last night. Pure bribery- "we'll do play-doh and surprise eggs as soon as you wake up if you go night night." ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Guess I should get the play-doh ready because I can guarantee it will be the first thing she asks for when she wakes up. 

As happy as I was when both were fresh asleep in there beds and I knew I had a few hours until my little monster would wake up- I still missed there little bodies like crazy. 

So, is it the weekend yet? Momma needs a restart. Momma needs a shower that follows with some make up, a hair dry and style and to actually get dressed. I have looked like a hot mess all week. 

And for the record last weekend I put one thing on my to do list for the week and that was to clean out Rick and I's closet....Yea, that definitely didn't happen. 

Cheers to it being Friday. 

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