Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowed In

There is something comforting about all being home, knowing when we woke up the next morning that we were going to be snowed in. Between Thursday and Friday we took trips to the food store to stock up the pantry as well as ran a few other errands. food-check, booze-check, wood-check. all that was left was the snow. Rick and I were so excited to see Stella's reaction to the white wonderland that we were about to get. honest truth- it made bedtime on Friday night a bit easier. She knew when she woke up Saturday morning there was going to be snow on the ground.  And Saturday morning didn't disappoint; she was amazed to say the least! Holy snow!!
Stella would have spent every second of every minute of every hour in the snow if we let her. She loved it. I'm not sure how many handfuls she ate but I definitely lost count. Mother of the year over here forgot to buy her a sled. yep. I totally suck. So we tried to improvise-but had no luck. The metal trash can lid with a tow rope just didn't cut it. We ended up tying the tow rope to her crazy coupe car and did a few donuts and crazy pulls in the snow. happy toddler.


I forgot how much energy and time it takes to get a toddler dressed and ready to go outside in the snow. Layers upon layers. I just kept seeing my laundry pile multiplying before my eyes. And I was reminded that this is the time of year where we find ourselves beginning to strip down our clothes before we are all the way in the house. The piles of boots, mittens, coats and snow pants by the doors grew and grew. Playing in the snow, coming in for a short break, hanging the wet things to dry before heading out again all brought back so many childhood memories.
In between frolicking in the snow Stella and I had to give the new oven a go with a batch of Valentine's Day cupcakes. 

and we also made snow ice cream.
 1 cup of milk
1/3 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla
pinch of salt
8 cups of CLEAN snow
two bowls, two spoons and two hungry mouths :)

The perfect end to a snowy kind of weekend- football playoffs with this little babe.


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