Monday, January 4, 2016

Toddler Tales

Since Ricky is on strike with the bottle lately, I don't pump as much. I only find myself pumping an ounce or two just for his dinner. I use the pumped milk to prepare his cereal and thin out his sweet potato. Why does this have anything to do with toddler tales? Well, this gal doesn't miss a beat. 

The other day she asked me to give her a bottle so she can feed her baby; so I gave her one on my 4 ounce bottles that I use to pump my milk into. Of course an empty bottle wasn't good enough and she had me add a bit of water to it. A few moments later I look over at her and I see she had unzipped her jammies and had the bottle pressed up against her chest. I asked her what she was doing..."I pumpin to feed baby." I nearly lost it. true story- can't make this shit up. 

She has an incredible imagination and loves to play pretend with her babies. She wraps her babies up, puts them to sleep in Ricky's car seat or swing and tells me to be quiet and tiptoe since her baby is sleeping. wish she would listen to her own rules when Ricky is sleeping. Not long after she puts her baby to sleep she yells "oh no! I hear her, I go check on her, see she okay!" She then proceeds to change baby's diaper "Oohh poopie in there, baby need medicine for her butt; her butt hurt." She dabs her finger in the lotion and wipes it on baby's butt... "all better baby!" I have definitely found myself picking off the top of the garbage when I noticed she was using Ricky's diapers for her baby. One quick poop from her baby and the diaper would be in the trash. honey they are way too expensive to be wasting. I have also found her baby's clothes in my kitchen sink because I was told I had to wash them since baby pooped in them. She nurses her baby, rocks her baby, takes her baby shopping in her shopping cart and clips baby's finger nails when they get long. 

God I love her. She makes my world go round. 

baby girl, you have one hell of an imagination. 

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